It is an odd sensation if your vehicle begins to hesitate after you have filled it up with gasoline. It doesn’t seem to make much sense.
While your vehicle would hesitate immediately after receiving the gasoline that it requires to move forward in the first place.
If you have experienced this in your vehicle, you may have questions about why it is acting this way and what can be done to correct the issue.
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Car Hesitates After Filling Gas Tank
A car hesitates after filling a gas tank because of overfilling. Overfilling your tank can be a major cause for your vehicle to hesitate after you have just put gasoline in it. If you feel your vehicle up to the brim, this can cause an emissions system issue. In fact, the emission system itself may become completely inoperative if you are always filling it up to the brink. The system is designed to process fuel vapors, but not the liquid fuel itself. As such, filling your vehicle up to the brim may cause the system to hesitate as it tries to determine what to do with the liquid fuel that it is trying to deal with. Do not fill your tank to the brim.

4 Reasons A Car Hesitates After Filling Gas Tank
1. A dead battery may cause a car to hesitate
A dead battery or a battery in which the connections are loose could cause your car to hesitate even after it has just been fueled with gasoline.
The typical car battery is designed to last roughly three to five years, but there are some signs that it may be about to fail that you should pay attention to.
Hesitation after being fueled with gasoline is one of those signs.
Have you noticed the lights on your car seem to be looking a little bit dimmer than they used to?
This can also be a problem with a battery that is on its last legs.
You will need to replace your car battery before it dies and you will also want to check the battery for any corrosive issues that may take place over the course of its usage.
If you notice that you need to get a jump start on your vehicle in order to get the battery to work for you, make sure that you push the vehicle away from the gas pumps before doing so.
Any stray sparks from your jumper cables could cause an explosion if it made contact with gasoline.
2. Fuel filters can cause a car to hesitate
Don’t forget to also check your fuel filters from time to time to see if they are getting clogged up.
Contaminants are known to build up in the fuel filters over time, and this can create a blockage that makes it difficult for your car to start up as it normally would.
There are generally some telltale signs that you may have a clogged fuel filter that needs to be examined.
You may notice the performance of your vehicle becomes a little less high quality than it used to be.
If your fuel filter becomes completely blocked, the engine won’t be able to get fuel where it needs to go, and your vehicle may not start at all.
You should check the fuel filters and consider the replacement of those filters every 20 to 30,000 miles.
Each vehicle is unique and you should check your owner’s manual to see what the specific manufacturer’s recommendation is for getting their fuel filters changed.
3. A failed starter causes a car to hesitate
You will know pretty quickly if you have a failed starter in your vehicle because you won’t be able to crank the engine at all.
On a vehicle that is operating correctly, when you turn the key in the ignition, the starter is what activates your engine.
If your starter is failing, you just simply won’t be able to get the engine to start at all. You may hear a slight clicking sound, but you won’t be able to get any power to your vehicle.
It is possible that you may be able to get your starter working temporarily until you can get it into a mechanic.
One recommendation is that you bang on a dead spot in the starter to see if you can help it rejuvenate.
It sounds funny, but this type of thing can work as a temporary solution until you can get your vehicle in to have a more permanent fix completed.
4. Spark plug issues lead to a hesitating car
Yet another reason why you may be experiencing some issues with your vehicle hesitating after you have filled it is because of the spark plugs.
Spark plugs ignite the fuel and air mixture in your engine that allows your vehicle to move. If the spark plugs in your vehicle are not working, then your engine may misfire, and that causes the hesitation feeling that you experience when trying to get it to go after it has been fueled.
The ignition system is made of many components and spark plugs are just one of these. There could be other issues within the ignition system that are not as apparent or as easy to fix.
You should get the spark plugs on your vehicle changed according to the recommendations that are available in the owner’s manual for your specific type of vehicle.
Frequently Asked Questions About Car Hesitates After Filling Gas Tank
Why does my car shake after I fuel it?
Some people experience a shaking or vibrating vehicle after they have put fuel into the system. Not only is it apparent that something is wrong with their vehicle when they experience this, but it can also be rather frightening to have this kind of sensation occur in your vehicle. One thing that you may look at is how the purge valve is working or not working. Also check the vent valve to see if there’s an issue with this particular problem as well. Either of these situations can cause your vehicle to shake after it has been fueled.
What is happening if my card jumps after receiving fuel?
Some drivers have described a sensation of their car “jumping” after they have put fuel in it. This experience may be because they have damaged gas lines in their vehicle. A damaged gasoline in your vehicle can cause the loss of pressure that ultimately results in your car jerking forward. If this is the case then it needs to be addressed right away. Damaged fuel lines can potentially result in extreme safety situations that you need to be aware of and address right away.
Conclusion About Car Hesitates After Filling Gas Tank
The main reasons for a car to hesitate after filling the gas tank are overfilling, a dead battery, issues with the fuel filters, a failed starter and spark plug issues. None of these are particularly fun to deal with, and you should make sure that you get your vehicle into a mechanic right away if you experience any of these issues.