People in the automobile industry are often prone to use terms that are relevant in the industry but that outsiders may not know much about.
It is because of this that there are phrases and terms that come up from time to time that people have questions about.
One of the terms that are asked about by outsiders all the time is “chopped and channeled”.
They want to know what it means, and they want to know specifically what people are referring to when they say something like this.
You can’t blame them for being curious, and we seek to satisfy that curiosity today.
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What does “Chopped and Channeled” Mean?
Chopped and channeled are actually two different things that one can do to enhance the look of a vehicle, but they are often thrown together like this because both processes are typically done at the same time. That said, channeling is about cutting out the floor pan of the vehicle and allowing the frame to come up higher. Chopping a vehicle is about removing some of the frontal bodywork on the vehicle in order to allow it to reach higher speeds out on the road.

Understanding Channeling
People often want their vehicles to rest closer to the ground than they currently do.
They will use a process known as channeling to make this happen. By removing the floor pan and bringing it higher, one can actually make their entire vehicle rest closer to the street below it.
Not only do some people prefer this as a more comfortable ride, but they are also generally viewed as looking nicer for those who want to view vintage vehicles like this.
One thing that is important to remember about channeling is that local laws may make it impossible to perform channeling to the extent that you would like to.
There are some local laws that say that bringing your vehicle too close to the street can pose a safety hazard for yourself and others on the road.
Thus, it may be deemed illegal in certain areas to carry things out to this level.
You should be mindful of this as you look at ways that you may decide to use channeling to get results from your vehicles.
You don’t want to be in violation of any local laws or ordinances because of something that you attempted to do with your vehicle.
A Deeper Look at Chopping
An even more common tactic that some people use to alter their vehicles is known as chopping. What they are doing with this is taking off some of the front of the body of the vehicle in order to avoid issues with wind resistance and the like.
It may sound strange, but taking off some of the extra weight of the vehicle is actually a great way to ensure that it has the ability to travel as fast as the user desires.
Many people who drive unique vehicles would also like for those vehicles to be able to travel as fast as possible.
Chopping them can get the kind of speed that they are looking for. This process will dramatically change the look of the vehicle, and that is something to keep in mind as well.
You don’t necessarily want to do this if you aren’t certain that you will get the look that you want. At the same time, you may want to boost the speed of your vehicle more than anything else, and that may cause you to go for it. Besides that, some people say that a chopped vehicle looks a lot better than one that is not.
This is all a matter of personal preferences, but there are many people who like to go for the chopped look. Before you dive right in, make sure that this is permitted by local law as well.
Most places don’t have as much of a problem with the chopped look as they might with the channeled look, but you need to double-check to make sure it is all okay before moving forward.
What Kind of Processes are Required to Make This Happen?
There are a variety of steps that one will need to take to get their vehicle completely chopped and channeled. These steps include:
- Glass being taken out of the car
- Fabricating the metal work and welding it back together
- Body work to fix the paint job from any damage that may be sustained by the paint when the rest of the processes are occurring
- Glass must be reinstalled in the vehicle
Needless to say, these processes are somewhat lengthy and are an exact science.
It is best to leave them in the capable hands of someone who knows what they are doing and has done this type of work before. There are plenty of shops that will be willing to help you out with this work, but you will have to reach out to them to establish contact and make sure they can do the work that you know needs to get done.
There is a give and take that happens when working on things like this, and it is always better when you can work with someone that you know will treat you fairly and charge you a reasonable price.
You can get your vehicle to look exactly the way that you want it to if you take it to the right people and let them work their magic for you. Just make sure you do a little comparison shopping before you do so.
Frequently Asked Questions About What Does “Chopped & Channeled” Mean
Will getting my vehicle “chopped and channeled” damage it?
Certain elements of your vehicle will be completely removed in the process, but it won’t be damaged in the sense of losing value. In fact, many people say that these elements help to add value to the vehicle because it creates a whole new look that so many people are after.
Are shops licensed to do “chopped and channeled” jobs?
There is not a specific license that a shop needs to carry in order to do “chopped and channeled” work on a vehicle. Instead, you should rely on their previous work as an indication of the kind of results that you can come to expect when you are getting work done.
Conclusion On What Does “Chopped & Channeled” Mean
Getting your vehicle chopped and/or channeled is a great way to show off your personal flair when looking for the best way to add a personal touch to the way that your vehicle appears to the outside world.
There is no reason not to try it now, and you should even see what the latest trends are in the shop to see if you can get in on some of them as well.