Blue dot tail lights are no longer legal for road use in the United States, but people are still able to buy them if they choose to do so.
This has some wondering what the initial idea was behind these tail lights and if that idea makes any sense in our modern world anymore.
Basically, they want to know if there was some true value to the lights that they see on the road or not.
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What Was The Initial Idea Behind Those “Blue Dot” Tail Lights?
There are many theories as to why these tail lights were initially created, but there is not any concrete evidence that would lead us to believe that there is a real origin story that can be believed. Many will say that they know what happened to cause blue dot tail lights to come into fashion at a certain period of time, but they are typically just making things up hoping that you will be impressed.

What are Some Theories Around the Blue Dot Tail Lights?
Emergency Services
A strong theory exists that says that the blue dot tail lights were first created because it was believed that they could cut through the fog on the road better than other colors available on the market at the time.
Truthfully, this isn’t the worst theory that anyone has come up with. After all, we do often need some powerful way to see what is on the road ahead of us, and using a type of light that might have it a bit easier to do so makes sense.
After all, wouldn’t you want the most powerful type of light that you could get your hands on to see through the fog?
Indeed, we see emergency vehicles that still use blue lights as one of the main components of their emergency flashers.
They do so in order to be seen by as many people as possible, and it makes sense in that case that blue light might have a natural way of cutting through the fog better than some other colors.
If this is true, then doesn’t it make sense that there may be some validity to the idea that blue lights are the selected type of light because they are trusted to cut through the fog?
Because They Look Cool
There may not be utilitarian of a use for blue lights as we like to believe. Perhaps some people selected them for their vehicles simply because they look cool.
There are a lot of examples of people doing things throughout history simply because of how something looked. Why wouldn’t they want their vehicles to look as cool as possible?
This does seem like a fairly logical explanation for why someone might go out of their way to add something like a blue light to their vehicle. It simply looks cool, and that is enough of a reason for them to go for it.
We know that people still like blue dots for their tail lights to this day because they are still available for sale.
Thus, there must be some value to this type of product, or else people wouldn’t keep buying it through third parties.
The fact that they do continue to make those purchases means that there is some intrinsic value to the blue dots that are made available for sale all the time.
Blue Tail Lights: Are They a Legal Purchase?
One thing that you need to remember when looking at blue dot lights and deciding if you would like to get some for yourself is the fact that they are not legal for road use.
You can purchase them because they are used on racetracks and the like, but they are not something that you can legally use while out on the open road. Doing so could land you in some serious trouble, and you really don’t want to take a chance on something like that.
You may decide that you want to buy some simply because you like how they look or you want to put them on a racing car that you use for racetrack performances.
That is perfectly fine and legal, but don’t try to put them on your passenger vehicle, or else you may end up collecting a series of tickets from this one mistake.
That can be quite brutal, and there is just no reason to get involved with that.
You know for a fact that the lights aren’t legal, so don’t keep pushing the matter. You should just accept the fact that you may not be allowed to put this type of light on your vehicle at this time.
If you can get to that point, then you have done yourself a huge favor.
Blue Lights Originated Around the 1930s
The reason why so much of the history around blue dot lights is so muddled is the fact that they originated around the 1930s.
They haven’t been around for a very long time, and this makes them a bit of an unknown to a lot of people.
History falls through the cracks on these types of things, and it is easy for people to forget certain aspects of their automotive history when it is not constantly in their face.
You are right to have questions about what blue dot lights mean, and it is great that you have stopped to ask those questions before proceeding with any purchases that you were thinking of making.
By simply stopping yourself and asking some questions, you may have saved yourself from making a poor decision that could result in fines or worse.
Frequently Asked Questions About What Was The Initial Idea Behind Those “Blue Dot” Tail Lights
Will I get pulled over for having blue dot tail lights?
You very likely will get pulled over if you have blue dot tail lights on your vehicle. They are not permitted because they don’t adhere to the standards that have been set up for what tail lights are supposed to look like. Thus, you may be pulled over and ticketed by an officer if you are driving your personal vehicle with these lights on.
Are blue dot tail lights permitted on race tracks?
Generally yes. Race tracks are private property and private roads, and this means that they can decide to permit this type of lighting if they want to. If you are an average person, this is probably the first place that you will notice the blue dot lights in your life. They are increasingly common on race tracks as more and more people discover just how interesting and amazing they truly are. If you are the type of person who gets really into cars, then you need to check this out the next time you are at a racetrack.
Where Do I find Blue Dot Tail lights?
You will need to order blue dot tail lights online. Stores don’t carry them since they aren’t road legal and they wouldn’t be able to sell enough of them. However, you can order them online and have them sent to you.
Conclusion On What Was The Initial Idea Behind Those “Blue Dot” Tail Lights
The blue dot tail light is very interesting to look at. It is undeniable that there is something magical about it, and you should absolutely check them out the next time you have the chance.
If you can purchase some for yourself to put on your race cars, then that is even better. It is all about what you decide you want to do.